Is anyone reading this?

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

There's something really strange about writing this, and not having any idea if anyone is actually going to read it... but here goes.

When I was 15, I decided that I wanted to make a YouTube channel. I loved the idea of documenting my life so that I could look back at it all in the years to come. I'd become the next Zoella and be rich and famous by the end of the year (because that's how it works right?). So I set up my camera on a makeshift tripod of a stack of books, before promptly realising that I didn't have nearly enough self-confidence needed to basically sit and talk to myself on a regular basis. I had everything planned out and had written a list of  '15 things about me', but no matter how much I tried I could not bring myself to talk out loud. So that was the end of that.

At that time, the idea of writing a blog wasn't really something I was aware of. Of course I knew what a blog was, but I didn't read any or particularly know how they worked, let alone how I would make one for myself. Plus, any thoughts or feelings I had at the age of 15 belonged as far away from the internet as possible, where they wouldn't be noted down for all of eternity for anyone to see.

Skip forward 3 and a half years. I'm now 18 and studying English Language at the University of Birmingham. In the past few months I've really loved reading the blogs of my favourite YouTubers; reading about their latest Disneyland trip, a new make-up review, or getting design ideas for my room at uni. I love reading what they have to say and look forward to each new blog post. And that got me thinking; maybe someone, somewhere, wants to read what I have to say, maybe they want to know how I decorated MY uni room or see pictures from MY latest Disneyland trip (and there will definitely be plenty of those).

So now here I am, writing my very first blog post and hopefully here you are, still reading having diligently gone through all of that back story. I really hope this blog will be successful and won't end up in some forgotten corner of the internet, so thanks for reading and helping to make that a possibility.

Let me know what you think in the comments below,

Amy xxx

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  1. Hi Amy! So far so good. The tricky bit is keeping up with it, and posting regularly. Good luck with it - I hope you get a following! xx

  2. Well done Amy. Really good so far. I'll keep an eye out for future posts!

  3. Keep going Amy!!! Oh & a tip for uni room? Posters! I found they covered up the cracks, flaking paint, torn wallpaper, damp patches and those all important "I have no idea what the hell that is, I don't want to know & I definitely don't want to see it" mark!! ��

