Let's Have A Catch Up

Monday, September 04, 2017

Hi everyone, long time no see! (2 and a half months to be exact) In case you didn't know, I spent my entire summer in Florida, working at Walt Disney World. I had planned on writing a couple of posts over the summer to keep you all updated but all of my spare time was spent sleeping or playing in the parks and I had no time to sit down and write anything. So this post is to catch you all up with what's been happening with me and what I'm planning for my blog over the next couple of weeks/months. 

I had the summer of a lifetime and had so many incredible experiences that I can't wait to share on here. I'm planning on making a haul post of all the merchandise I bought, sharing some of my favourite photos, and doing week-by-week diary posts detailing all the things I got up to each week. My plan is to write one regular blog post and one diary post every week but we'll see how that goes. Before I left, I wrote a Disney World bucket list that I've been updating over the summer so check that out here to find out what I managed to do (turns out I was a little bit optimistic with how much free time I thought I would have!)

I'm super sad that I can't just hop on a bus and be at Magic Kingdom within the hour anymore, and it's a lot colder in England than I'm now used to, but I am excited to be back and blogging again and I'm really looking forward to starting my final year of uni in a couple of weeks. 

Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for plenty of Disney posts over the next few weeks.

Amy xxx

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