2019 New Year's Resolutions

Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Based on what i've seen online, 2018 has been a bit of a strange one for almost everyone; it seems to have lasted forever but has flown by at the same time, and has been full of some amazing highs but also some pretty awful lows too. For me, 2018 was the year I graduated, turned 21, finally saw Taylor Swift live, had an amazing holiday to WDW with my mum and sister, became a Disney cast member again, and was reunited with my CEP roommates, but I also struggled with my mental health more than I ever have done before. 

Going into 2019 I'm feeling pretty motivated to make this year the best that it can be so I sat down and made myself a few resolutions. This isn't something I do every year because I don't want to put pressure on myself or feel bad if I don't achieve them but I think I've made them quite manageable and not too tricky to keep up with (let's see if I'm still saying that in 6 months time!). So here are my New Year's resolutions for 2019:

1. Get a job in copywriting

This one is the big one for this year; having now graduated from uni and finished as a Christmas temp it's time for me to find a full time job. It's taken a very long time but after years of having no idea i've finally figured out that copywriting is the career I want to go into. Whilst I know I'm very unlikely to just land a perfect job straight away, my goal is to have a copywriting job of some sort by the end of the year. This one is definitely the hardest of all of my resolutions as it's not just down to me but I'm feeling motivated and ready to apply to as many openings as it takes. 

2. Write at least 2 blog posts a month

It's amazing to think that i've been writing this blog for almost 3 years now when you look at how few posts i've actually published in that time. When I first started I found it hard to get the motivation to write when I spent so much of my time writing essays for uni, and I was definitely writing posts that I thought others would want to read rather than just what I wanted to write. Now i've found my footing and am writing for me more than anyone else, I love using this blog as a creative outlet and I have so many ideas and drafts waiting to be written. I know to some people 2 blog posts a week is nothing but I want to start off with a manageable goal and go from there. 

3. Exercise more

I've specifically made this resolution quite vague so I'm not feeling stressed about going to the gym a certain number of times a week or only eating a certain number of calories a day. I'm not so fussed about doing this to lose weight either, but more just for my health, both physical and mental. I'm determined to get outside more, go on walks and just generally moving about a bit more. 

4. Eat less meat

Again, this one is quite vague as I don't want to commit to a specific figure and then beat myself up for not achieving it. I would like to maybe have at least one day a week where I make a specific effort to not eat meat but right now my aim is to just eat less than I do currently. 

5. Book/go on a holiday to somewhere new

As much as I love going to the Disney parks it's been a while since I've been somewhere completely new to me and gone to explore a new country or city. Because I don't know what job I will have I don't know if I'll be able to afford to actually go on this holiday this year but i'd like to at least have one booked. My dream at the moment is to go to Salzburg and visit all the places from the Sound of Music, one of my absolute favourite musicals. 

6. Start to learn sign language

Having studied English Language, languages naturally fascinate me and sign language in particular. I learnt a bit about it when I was at uni but I want to start to learn how to actually speak it so I'm going to try and find some online courses or youtube videos to help me.

7. Read 12 books this year

Whilst you might expect an English student to read hundreds of books in a year, my dyslexia means I'm a slow reader and it can take a while for me to get into a book. When I was at uni I didn't want to spend my free time reading when I had to read so many textbooks and journal articles for my modules but in the 6 months since I graduated I think i've probably read more than I did in my whole 3 years at uni. I've created a Goodreads account and have set myself a reading challenge on there to keep me motivated to stick to my goal. 

Do you have any New Year's resolutions? Let me know in the comments below

Thanks for reading, 
Amy xxx

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